Definite and indefinite articles - The ultimate course
Learn how to use 'a' and 'the' in English
A whole course about just two words.
There are a lot of rules for using a and the in English.
So many, in fact, that it's not possible to explain them in just one quick lesson.
This course explains all the rules in detail and gives you practice quizzes at every step.
A useful downloadable summary of all the rules (a "cheat sheet").
Qualified English Teacher .
The basics
The 'Cheat Sheet'
Specific or general?
Quiz - Specific or general?
Singular, plural or uncountable?
Quiz - Singular, plural or uncountable?
Quiz - Choose the correct article
Quiz - Everything you have learnt so far
Other rules
Quiz - Choose the correct article
Fixed expressions
Quiz - Choose the correct article
Practise everything you have learnt
Final Quiz